T3 Bron Eager: AI Marking Assignments + Best Chatbot for Academic Writing

Hello AI Enthusiasts 👋

This week, (perhaps somewhat controversially) I’m sharing a video I made about marking student assignments with AI Chatbots, another video that will help you sign up for the best chatbot for academic writing, and some gems at the intersection of AI and Higher Ed.

Video: ‘Mark Student Assignments with AI – Tutorial for Grading with ChatGPT’

PLUS: Check out the accompanying blog post 👉 https://broneager.com/ai-marking-student-assignment

What’s the Best AI Chatbot for Academic Writing?

The legendary Professors Inger Mewburn (aka The Thesis Whisperer) and Narelle Lemon recently wrote a 36,000-word book with the help of the AI chatbot Claude.ai You can read more about it here: https://thesiswhisperer.com/2024/05/01/we-wrote-a-36000-word-book-in-a-single-weekend-yes-really/

Their experience made me reflect upon whether Claude.ai really is the best chatbot for academic writing, and I have to say that, currently, it wins hands down!

If you haven’t signed up yet (it’s free!), I made a little video explaining the signup process 👇

💎 ðŸ’Ž ðŸ’Ž Recent AI-HE Gems

And… That’s a Wrap!

As always, thanks for your support and for coming along on my AI journey.

I appreciate you reading this newsletter, sharing it with friends, and checking out my fledgling YouTube Channel.

Take care and chat soon,
